A Mobile-delivered Wisdom-enhanced Mindfulness Intervention to Prevent Perinatal Depression: A Rando

ReleaseTime:2022-04-19 Publisher:Department of Sociology Reading:2


Time: 22 April 2022  (Friday)  1:30-3:30pm  (Beijing Time)

Venue: Room 1127, Block A, Creative Building, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University

Language: Chinese 

Topic: A Mobile-delivered Wisdom-enhanced Mindfulness Intervention to Prevent Perinatal Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Abstract: Around one in four mothers will experience depressive symptoms during pregnancy and within the first year postnatal. The implications of perinatal mental health on obstetric and birth outcomes are also profound, making it a crucial public health issue worldwide. The stigma surrounding perinatal mental health and the physical constraint during this particular life circumstance underscores the importance of intervention studies outside of traditional clinic settings. Although the efficacy of the mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) in reducing perinatal depression has been indicated, current evidence suggesting its effect is inconsistent.

With the second-generation MBI emerged, the question remains unanswered: Whether, by enhancing MBI with Eastern wisdom - Equanimity, can MBI delivered through mobile phone achieves its potential in perinatal care among Chinese pregnant women? In this lecture, the speaker will elaborate her endeavor in addressing this inquiry through empirical investigations. The speaker will also shed light on her insight into an enhanced MBI working model, which potentially can be generalized to interventions for other populations.  

Lecturer: Lingli Len, Associate Researcher, Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University

Moderator: Angran Li, ZJU100 Young Professor,  Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University

Commentator: Lili Xia, Associate Researcher, Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University