Boundary Work in the U.S. Case Law: 1820-2010

ReleaseTime:2022-04-06 Publisher:Department of Sociology Reading:6


Time: 8 April 2022  (Friday)  1:30-3:30pm  (Beijing Time)

Venue: Room 1127, Block A, Creative Building, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University

Language: Chinese

Topic:Boundary Work in the U.S. Case Law: 1820-2010

Abstract: Knowledge is local, but how does such "locality" vary across space and time?  My analysis of nearly 180 years of U.S. case law reveals the shifts of state-level boundaries of knowledge exchange, especially since the mid-20th century. An increasingly strong signal of boundary work is found among state court judges. This stands in contrast to other domains of knowledge such as science, which shows a blurring of boundaries over the past decades. To deepen our understanding on this process,  I design a core-perephery model and use topic modeling to distinguish "knowhows" that are more boundary-free from those that are boundary-sensitive. Results include a set of interesting properties such as the asymmetric generality of boundary-making and boundary-crossing knowledge.

Lecturer: Linzhuo Li, ZJU100 Young Professor, Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University

Moderator: Angran Li, ZJU100 Young Professor,  Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University

Commentator: Haoyue Li, ZJU100 Young Professor, Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University